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Keynotes at the 2023 Future Tense Conference expanded our horizons, challenged our assumptions and opened the door to our deeper understanding of the transformative power of technology, society and innovation. If you were not there, dive with us into the captivating realm of the future.
Let`s unveil the invaluable insights and explore the lessons learned from visionary futurists who have illuminated the possibilities and challenges that lie ahead.
Lesson 1 by Erica Orange
Critical thinking is the most valued asset of the future
“In order for the educational systems to adapt to the fast-happening changes (templosion) happening in all aspects of life, they need to rethink who will learn, what will learn, how will learn and where will learn. The growth of AI means we must accept the symbiotic/collaborative nature of us and the smart systems around us. The most valued asset of the future will be critical thinking.”
Lesson 2 by Anders Indset
Vulnerability of I Don`t Know mindset
“Leaders, don´t be afraid to say „I don`t know “. Vulnerability is an intuitive decision that we make, that weird awkward feeling of the sensation of being caught off guard. At the same time, vulnerability is the birthplace of creation, innovation, and human relationships.”
Lesson 3 by Nikolas Badminton
Empathy is an answer to our problems
“We`ve been used to abundance and waste since the industrial revolution. Now we have to rethink that entirely. Our information systems are being used as misinformation systems and now we have to empower individuals to be able to recognize misinformation. The biggest challenge to humanity is the multigenerational trauma of the memories we carry epigenetically. In order to heal the world, fix problems, build resilience and work through all of this together we must go back to empathy.”
Lesson 4 by Joe-Max Wakim
Tech at homes might replace hospitals in the future
“We all agree that a healthier population and workforce is more productive and brings value. It is also true that tech is used in many fields. Even though healthcare is a very slow adapter of tech, that is slowly changing. Many tech tools can now be used at home. Why should we not be able to start treating people at home more? Rather than building bigger healthcare facilities? You won`t have to be living next to the city to be next to the best hospital anymore. That way healthcare would be available to all.”
Lesson 5 by Sofie Hvitved
Prepare, not Predict Because Metaverse is Coming
“It is not our goal to predict the future, but rather to be prepared for the possible futures. Whether we agree that the metaverse is already here or not, we agree it is the seamless convergence of our physical and digital lives that will bring people, spaces and things together in virtual or augmented digital spaces. This includes augmented visual layers added on top of our physical reality as well as virtual worlds.”
Lesson 6 by Gerd Leonhard
Tech without telos won`t just prevent prosperity, but it can as well destroy humanity
“What do we need to define the good future? Technology will not save the day. Because we already have great technology, and we as well use it wrong. We need telos, we need wisdom in order to collaborate and know how to deal with the enormous power of today`s technology. It is my wish to get all the tech companies to have to sign the Technocratic Oath, like doctors do, saying “I hereby pledge to place humanity over technology in every decision.”
Lesson 7 by Alfons Karabuda
The true value of music can never be faked
“The true value of music can never be faked because it`s all about the perception of its listener. The perception is always right. The measurement of the feeling is a bit tricky. Maybe you can count clicks on streaming services, but more than all it’s a part and an added value of other arts and industries (film, gaming, tourism, theatre, gastronomy, design). Music gives comfort in times of crisis. AI has many benefits, but what it does not have is emotions, feelings. It can never replace human art and artists.”