The first B2B Future Tense conference was held in 2018 and gathered more than 400 participants. The lectures of keynote futurists covered specific topics such as smart cities, predictions related to the food industry, and the development of new payment methods. Through panels and workshops, participants received specific knowledge and advice on how to identify often disruptive technologies and integrate them into business models.

Unique visual identity
A special feature of the conference is the visual identity presented as a generative animated sign – bot. It is created in real-time and depends on communication on Twitter which is related to the topics presented at the conference. Changes in the appearance of bots represent the mental process of creating a vision: thinking, also rejecting ideas about the future, and constantly actively seeking the right questions and answers.


Visitor statements


"The future of the media demands futurology. We are glad we had an opportunity to support and partner this conference where we got the chance to hear the world-renowned futurist speakers."

― Dražen Mavrić | Nova TV President of Board

"Every successful company needs to timely adjust to new technologies, innovations, and distributions."

― Jiří Dvorjančanský | A1 Croatia President of Board


"The world we live in is changing at a high speed. Therefore, Addiko Bank has been continuously transforming its business into a modern and innovative one."

― Mario Žižek | Addiko Bank d.d President of Board

"Thanks to the Future Tense Conference, we had an opportunity to encourage the business community to rethink their future technological and business changes."

― Tihomir Adam | Zvijezda d.d. President of Board

